Add Nodecraft Studio to UE5


DISCLAIMER: Documentation for our Unreal Engine Plugin is under construction and subject to change while the SDK is in technical preview.

Add Nodecraft Studio to UE5

You can add the Nodecraft Studio Plugin for Unreal Engine 5 in one of two ways:

Unreal Marketplace

This option is great for quickly adding the plugin to your game. THIS WILL BE RELEASED SOON
Get Nodecraft Studio Plugin for Unreal Engine 5

Download Source from GitHub

Nodecraft publishes the source code on GitHub. Here, you can review the code being added to your game or even make changes to the UI to better match your game's look and feel.

Source-code for Nodecraft Studio Plugin for Unreal Engine 5

  1. Download the source code from the GitHub link above.
  2. Once you have downloaded the plugin from GitHub, move the plugin (the folder titled NodecraftDiscovery) into the Plugin’s folder of your project (see screenshot below).


The name of the plugin is subject to change by the time of public release.

  1. Regenerate Visual Studio project files for your project.