Tell Nodecraft Studio when you want to show the Studio UI


DISCLAIMER: Documentation for our Unreal Engine Plugin is under construction and subject to change while the SDK is in technical preview.

In order to properly display the Nodecraft UI you must do three things

  • Tell the UIManager you want to show the Nodecraft UI in whatever way is appropriate to your game
  • Listen for an event that will give you the UI, which is yours to display
    • You are responsible for keeping a pointer to this UI for later reference
  • Listen for an event that will tell you when to hide the UI
    • Hide the UI (which you have kept a pointer to) in whatever manner is appropriate to your game


You don’t need to animate the UI in and out, but if you choose to, respect the Animate boolean. If it is false, always immediately remove the UI without animating.

A very simple example of how to open the Nodecraft UI

A very simple example of how to open the Nodecraft UI

A very simple example of how to open the Nodecraft UI

Above is a very simple example of showing the Nodecraft UI

  • If the player is not yet logged in, they will be shown the login UI
  • You will be given a UUserWidget that houses the Studio UI. It is yours to do with as you wish. In the simplest case, you will simply add the UI to the viewport (see blueprint example below)
A simple example of hiding and showing the UI in a Level Blueprint. Here, Current Nodecraft UI is a UUserWidget\*

A simple example of hiding and showing the UI in a Level Blueprint. Here, Current Nodecraft UI is a UUserWidget